Creating good content and earning authority links are the elements of an SEO strategy. And of course, when you publish new content, you want to drive as much traffic as possible.
Understanding internal linking and how pages on your website can contribute value to pages is very crucial, especially if you are trying to boost search engine rankings for a specific keyword or phrase.
On this page, we will have a look at what is internal linking and how it can help you boost content marketing SEO?
An internal link is just what it sounds like: an embedded link to an internal piece of content. So if you look into a landing page from inside a blog post, or to an events page from your home page, those are internal links.
When you accumulate enough internal links to a particular piece of content, it’s one factor in helping search engines return that result a bit higher than others. Internal linking also helps your content marketing strategy in a few major ways:
It tells search engine your content exists
This one is important. An SEO newbie might never realize that search engines don’t magically know every time you create something and fire it off into the internet ether.
Search engines like Google work by crawling the web-like data spiders, from one piece of content to another through the link pathways. If there is nothing to connect your internal content, then the search engine might not know it is there.
It helps you improve navigation on your website
Your website’s navigation can create a huge impact on the overall success of your website, and it affects user-friendliness, search engine rankings, and conversions.
Your homepage probably has some type of navigation bar that directs website visitors to the most crucial pages on your website. Internal ranking strategies also helps to increase the number of time people spent on your website, which sends positive signals to Google and increases positive rankings in SERPs.
Increase views on your internal web pages
Not only does it help to decrease bounce time, but it also increases page views. In easy words, internal links allow site visitors to navigate other pages on your website than just viewing one page and leaving them. If visitors view pages on your website and like it, they will probably like to see more pages and internal links help them find them.
Guides website visitors to high-converting pages
You can also use internal linking to direct website visitors to high-converting pages. First, you need to use Google analytics to find which page attracts the most visitors to your website and which pages have the highest conversion rates.
Then, you can add links from your highest-traffic pages to relevant, high-conversion pages. This means that more people will visit your high-converting pages to relevant, high-conversion pages.
A digital marketing company offering content marketing & SEO services can help to increase your traffic & rankings for vetted keywords and long-tail phrases that drive business to your site.